Our primary relationship is with Farmers Insurance Group, but when Farmers is not a fit, we have connections to many other insurance providers that specialize in insuring businesses, homes, and investment properties in the New York, New Jersey, and beyond.
We are constantly seeking to expand our access to additional companies, so the list below may be incomplete and is subject to change.
Current Partners
Farmers Insurance
Foremost Insurance
Occidental Insurance
Bristol West Insurance
US Assure
Acceptance Mutual
American Modern
Aspen Specialty
Atlantic Casualty
AXA Insurance Co.
Century Insurance Group
Chubb Group
Colony Specialty
Guard Group
Hagerty Insurance Co.
Hanover Insurance Group
Hiscox Insurance Co.
The Hartford Company
Hudson Excess
Illinois Union Insurance
John Hancock Life Insurance Co.
Kensington Insurance
Kingstone Insurance
Kinsale Insurance
Lexington Insurance
Mount Vernon Insurance
Mt. Hawley Insurance Co.
Narragansett Bay Insurance Co.
Otsego Mutual
Philadephia Insurance Co.
Principal Life Insurance Co.
Quincy Mutual
Rutgers Casualty
Travelers Insurance
Union Mutual
United Specialty Insurance Co.
United States Liability
UPC Insurance
U.S. Underwriters
Utica First
Western World